Rail Transfer Terminals

If you receive material by rail Wilson Manufacturing & designs has the equipment you need, from complete material storage terminals to permanent undertrack direct rail-to-truck transfer systems to portable direct rail-to-truck transfer equipment. If loading more trucks per hour will improve your bottom line, then you may need to see the many innovative systems Wilson Manufacturing & Design has to offer. Terminal units are available to handle from 50-1000 TPH of material ranging from very fine powders up to 2½" lump or stone size.
Overhead Storage Terminals
- Overhead storage tanks of 150 tons to 500 tons each tank.
- Undertrack chain conveyor rail car unloading rates from 50-300 TPH.
- Truck loading scales up to 250 TPH.
- Dual elevator feature eliminates down time.
- Top of bin dust collector controls dust at rail car unloading, bid discharge, and truck unloading points.
- Retractable truck loading spout with vibrator.
- Hi and lo bin indicators.
- Completely controlled from inside air-conditioned office.
- Control panel monitors equipment status and current load.
- Hydraulic boot lifts contain material from rail car gate to undertrack conveyor.
- Digital truck scales automatically close bin gates at preset weight.
- Bin construction is continuously welded to keep material dry.
- Bins have complete access from bottom to top via ladder, cage, and top manway.
- Dual air compressors supply air for boot lifts, aerators, dust collector, and rail car vibrators.

Permanent Direct Rail-To-Truck Unloading

- Undertrack chain conveyor rail car unloading. Rates from 50-150 TPH.
- Hydraulic boot lifts contain material from rail car gate to undertrack conveyor hopper.
- Retractable loadout spout to seal dust from conveyor to truck hatch.
- Conveyor is buried beneath track and back filled. No pit required, no water problems.
- Dust collector mounted directly atop conveyor puts dust back in cover and into truck.
- Electric control panel mounted on side of conveyor, and conveyor is pre-wired at factory.
- Conveyor is completely enclosed to keep out moisture.
- Heavy-duty construction of ¼" mild steel plate.
- Sandblasted and coated with 8 mils of primer with 3 additional mils of top coat sealer.
Portable Direct Rail-To-Truck Unloaders
- Self propelled unit easily moves from rail car to rail car.
- Tail section has large gasket to seal to rail car gate.
- Entire conveyor can be raised and lowered hydraulically.
- Similar features as the above permanent units, dust collector, control panel, retractable loadout spout, and rugged construction.
- Additional features include inspection doors, auxiliary valve for vibrator, lights for night operation, and 110V outlet.
- Unit is transportable on detachable gooseneck trailer.
- Available with optional diesel engine.